Friday, January 16, 2009

Dear Mr. Obama

Dear President-Elect Mr. Obama,

I am unable to attend the festivities surrounding your upcomming inauguration. It seems that my local Walmart store is unable to have my designer ball gown finished in time.

I am, therefore, requesting that you refund my share of the millions of $$$ you are spending on this hoop-de-doo, $3,000 will just about do it. You see, I can really use the money to pay my mortgage, car payment and support one or two of the few remaining small, local businesses here in my part of the world.

Oh, and please don't let your nomination for the head of the tax department touch it. You see, I've used the same excuse he did and it didn't work for me. I have a hard time believing that a leopard can change his spots.

I'll send you my checking account number so you can put it directly into the bank, which by the way is not one of the several that keep coming back for more. If you decide that my request is not enough, please send more. We know you have some deep pockets. Just ask B of A or General Motors.

Sincerely living on the edge of poverty,


Jen said...

Ha Ha! Seriously though i don't even want to know how much of our $$ they are spending on all these parties. Ridiculous!!!!
& I didn't even vote for him!!!!!!

Shanan and Danica said...

I don't think it would matter who we voted for...the person would have spent a lot of money celebrating the start of the term(s). But if he answers your call, Jan, please let me know. I know I could use the money as well--or maybe overall they could stop cutting the budgets of the university so I wouldn't have to stress all weekend.

bradi said...

Did you write the same letter to Bush? Twice? He had more parties! And more vacation. . . I'm just saying. . .