Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dear Friend
See if you can guess where we were yesterday afternoon (4/15). Here is your first hint:

Okay, here is another hint-do you know were this is?

Yes, I do admit to belonging to the the Radical Rightwing Extremist.

We are such a menacing group too. After all, the median age is probably 55.

I still don't know what makes not wanting to saddle our children and grandchildren with tons of debt or ask our government to read and follow the Constitution, me an "extreme", but I will proudly wear the badge anyway.

It was a great group of people and more came as we were leaving-oh did I say we? Oh, yeah these 2 radicals were there with me-

Our Dad was so glad to hear that we we going. He reminded me that we had a GGG or GGGG grandfather that fought with Washington in the Revolutionary War and Dad was proud that we were also willing to stand up and be counted.

(thanks for the great picture, Kevin)

We even got to check up on a Wellton Friend who is doing a great job of representing the Gilbert Legislative District in the the State Legislature.

Thayer Verschoor spent a few minutes with us-updating where all his family is now before he was scheduled for the J.D. Hayworth interview.

Most of the signs were home-made, I even saw one that was taped to a child's toy shovel, but they all carried the same messages-We don't want to pay higher taxes, bail-outs don't work, Congress doesn't know how to read (the legislation they are passing or the Constitution) and there are going to be some changes in the near future.
I am so grateful I live in a country that allows me the opportunity to express my feelings openly and in public. I am grateful for all of our fathers, uncles, grandfathers and ggggggg grandfathers (mothers, too) that have fought to defend our right to live in freedom and built a nation based on Judeo-Christian principles that make democracy and independance work for us.
If they have another TEA PARTY, I'll be there.
Love, Jan


Jen said...

Ha Ha! I love that you all were there :)

Unknown said...

I wished I could have been with you. I too am pleased with what both my sisters did. I tried here but the tea parties here were all at noon. I was working and could not get off. Dad had a good day on Easter Sunday. He wanted to go to the ranch and see the changes that have been made. Kevin was so good and kind in helping Dad navigate the steps up into the ranch house. We have so much as a family to be grateful for. A rich heritage of service and love for one another, including sacrificing lives for our freedoms.