Monday, December 15, 2008

We've Moved!

Kicking and screaming all the way, it is just about completed.

Shawn has worked so hard to move all of us. I admire him so much and appreciate everything he does. He is always willing to help his family and friends when they need anything done and because of his work schedule, he's available more than a lot of men. He is one of those special men that don't come along too often-kind of a renaissance (hope I spelled that right) man. And I am especially greatful for the kind and loving way he treats my daughter.

In fact, I am really a blessed woman because I actually have 2 wonderful sons-in-law. Kelly and his brother and dad came out to our new house last week and created a wonderful sewing room for me. Lisa brought her kids out and painted the room for me and an extra hand for moving. I really appreciate this wonderful gift from Kelly and his family. The new room really big but have no fear--I will run out of room soon.

Oh, and a special thank you to Kelly's mom, Pat for the carpeting. It is perfect for this room.

Did I mention that I am the luckiest mother-in-law/mother/grandmother in the world.

So other than the little issue of adding 25 miles a day to my commute, moving to QC hasn't been too bad. Oh, the other good thing-I have the downstairs bedroom. NO MORE STAIRS!

As soon as I get things sorted a little more, I will post some pictures of the new house, new sewing room and oh yeah-another good thing about being way out here is the wonderful views of the sky. It's almost like being at the ranch because there are no street lights in our neighborhood.

So if you are ever out here, be sure to stop by. It's the 3rd house on the right.

For now though, I will try to determine if the ishcabibbles around here are Northern or Southern.


Shanan and Danica said...

I am so glad to hear the move went smoothly and I can't wait to see pictures of your sewing room.

And you are right the ski is beautiful out here--and another bonus is that it is actually cooler out here then closer to town...wait is that a good thing? Well I will say it is. :)

Marla said...

Glad to hear it is done. Are we still having the family dinner on Sunday. Let us know what to bring.
I do believe you are now south of the border, that makes it a South American Ish.

Beth said...

Congrats on the move. Eventually you get use to the commute. Just check out lots of books on tape/cd from the library. It definitely makes the commute more tolerable.

Anonymous said...

When we lived in the valley, we were in Avondale, with an acre and lots of sky to see. Staying here in Gilbert and trying to see a sunset is really frustrating! Sounds like you have the perfect spot for that. =)